Targa 2017 - Prep & Safety Days


PREP DAY AND SAFETY CHECK DAY COMPLETE! Yesterday most of the team flew in and we enjoyed dinner out together to regroup. What a great time seeing previous team members again and meeting a few new ones!

Today has been a day of safety checks, route book modifications, charging all our gear, team meetings, connecting with our Centennial College mechanic team and the official welcome reception. 

It is such a diverse group of people. Teams are here from all over the world! 8 countries are represented with teams from all economic backgrounds and walks of life. Everyone united by a similar passion for racing. So fun!

Prologue day begins tomorrow where we will run the routes but our time and speed doesn't count, a great opportunity to warm up, get a feel for the road and make our first round of changes to how wecommunicate while racing. 

We were very pleased to find out that this year the Hume Team has raised well over $25,000 for MS Research and for Red Door Shelters. Amazing! Thank you John Hume Sr. for coordinating most of these funds!