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Manitoulin Island - Roadtrip

For his birthday this year, I told Andrew to pick a location. I expected a sailing adventure but he decided we should take a motorcycle trip instead because he would be sailing the rest of the summer. I began planning and, with the help of good friends Jim and Kathy Cantelon, came up with an excellent route. We would head to Manitoulin since we had never been there. It was a great time to explore some of Canada, our great land. Can't wait!

With plans made, open road ahead and new places to explore together, Andrew and I packed the bike bags and set off early in the morning. The schedule for our first day was tight. We had to make it in time for the last ferry in Tobermory in order to make it to the Stone House Bed & Breakfast before they closed up for the night.

Our trip was breathtaking. Farm fields were bursting with baby lambs, cows and other many animals. The steady rain should have dampened our spirits but with proper gear we were free to enjoy beautiful horizons and rainbows sparkling in the mist and sunshine. 

We took a short pit stop in Flesherton for some brunch and fuel before heading to Tobermory Ferry Terminal. As we arrived the sun came out warming everything up and the town begged us to explore. With some time to spare, we rid ourselves of our bike gear, explored the scenic town, savoured some lunch and ice cream, and warmed ourselves with a stroll along the Bruce Trail. Spectacular! 

The ferry ride was chilly and we were tempted to huddle inside but since this was our first ferry ride together we had to brave the elements and enjoy the view on the top deck. The Manitoulin roads greeted us on the other side with winding paved and gravel roads, a biker's dream. 

Before long the horizon began to turn orange as the sun sat lower in the sky. We were a way off from arriving at our destination. Was my planning that bad? Just as I began to get concerned, we rounded the corner to glimpse the beautiful Gore Bay harbour. The quaint little town transported us to a different world away from the stress of work. Our vacation was officially underway.

After checking in we ventured down to Bouy's Eatery where we had amazing pizza and pasta. The staff made sure we were aware of the evening's Canada day festivities complete with fireworks. Ideally situated beside the marina, it seemed the evening would capture all of Andrew's loves...great food, sailing, and motorcycle riding...and then to top it off with fireworks, wow!

In the following days we hoped to get to Cup & Saucer Trail, Meldrum Bay Inn and Bridal Veil Falls, and see what else we could find in the other towns on Manitoulin Island. We will see what the day tomorrow holds!